MKARS ZOOM MEETING Monday 11th January 19.30 Open session – What do you want from your Club in the Year ahead?

As a gentle start to the year, the Committee has arranged an open session to discuss what you would like to see in the Club in the year ahead.
Do we cover you interests?
Should we start some new special interest group?
Do we do enough to help new licensees?
Should we do more to encourage old members back to the Club who are returning to amateur radio after a break?
Does an MKARS shack still appeal or would a remote station somewhere with a decent antenna be a better option?
Should be do more with other local clubs?
What could the club look like at the end of lockdown – a hybrid of virtual and actual meetings?
These are just some of the subject we could discuss – to connect to the open session just click on the link
For those that need it the meeting ID: 892 0299 0765 and Passcode: MKARS
As usual the virtual waiting room will be open from 19.15.
See you there!