MKARS Update

MKARS Update – sorry this is a bit lengthy but there is a lot going on.
I hope you all enjoyed the Club BBQ on Monday night. It was very well attended and a good opportunity to continue the dialogue on our recent members survey.
We will be following up and publishing the results of the survey in the next Club newsletter which is due in the next few weeks. As an interim, the tone of the responses we have had was that we were in a good place, and ready for the future. Individual members made some interesting points showing a diversity in a response – some asking for face to face club meeting exclusively, whilst others wanting some Zoom support to our bimonthly talks, particularly in the winter months. One immediate thing that the Committee can do to help is to keep the internet meetings diary up to date – message received!
Turning to the next few weeks, next Monday 22nd August at 19.30 at the TNMOC is the final planning and briefing meeting for all those helping with the MKARS Rally at the Irish Centre on Sunday 28th. To all those who have committed their help please attend. Hopefully the good weather with still be with us, and it should be an enjoyable day.
Just a reminder that there is no meeting on Monday 29th August as it is the summer bank holiday.
Looking ahead to September………….
The Club would like to put on a station at the HF (SSB) field day on 3rd and 4th September. As we did last year we will try and put on two stations – a VHF 2m station for the Trophy event and the HF Field day station.
These are fun events where you get a chance to use some decent kit with decent antennas in the fresh air. Could all those interested – for either of the days or the full weekend please contact our contesting lead, Tim G6GEI or myself to register their interest. We need at least four/five members to hold the event. Please let us know soonest if you can commit to the event as there is a lot to arrange.
Monday September 5th there is no meeting as it is a committee meeting.
We are presently finalising the Club meeting for the 12th September.
Monday September 19th – Launch Event – CW
We have now got some momentum again to being holding some CW training sessions and Dave Jackson , G0GQP, has kindly offered to lead this for us. Dave was at the BBQ and several of our members have come forward to join. The first CW training session will be held on Monday 19th September at the TNMOC. Please contact either Dave by PM or me {g4fvzradio(at)gmail (dot) com} if you would like to join.
Monday September 26th will be a talk on ‘Finding DX using ‘spots’ by Phil Gould, G4FVZ – no this isn’t about nasty diseases, but a way of using DX alerting information to hone your DX operating focus and strive towards DXCC.
Finally, a note for your diaries – the Club 2022 AGM is set for Monday 17th October at the TNMOC.